Perfectionism and personality in fashion world.
In my work I question the fashion world of today in a socially critical way, why fashion became fast fashion, where is personality, where has individuality remained. Mass production and digitalisation in particular have made it clear howfast-moving the world has become. Anything is possible by clicking on the smartphone or using prefabricated filters. Even a humanoid female robot with the facial features of Audrey Hepburn was designed. Sophia looks almost real - like a human being. She is already on the covers of fashion magazines in 2017, has her own Instagram account and googles knowledge onto her hard drive in notime at all. A perfect humanoid robot as a symbol of the modern ideal of beauty- equipped with an artificial intelligence that surpasses man? Will we be their cats?
Each work in this series focuses on a different specific theme and tells its own story. The title of the works already gives an indication. Collected materials reassembled using the golden section method. Using various materials, my own photographs and texts, I place different themes at the centre of the collage.